I had the opportunity to interview a wonderful Christian author, Robin Jones Gunn. She's written dozens of books including the Christy Miller and the Glenbrooke series, but is most known for her Sisterchick's books.
What's a Sisterchick you ask? Close women friends who deeply care about each other and really enjoy the ups and downs of life with each other. Each book in the series features a different pair of women in different countries including: Sisterchicks Do the Hula, Sisterchicks in Gondolas, Sisterchicks Say Oh La La!, Sisterchicks Down Under, Sisterchicks in Sombreros, and her latest, Sisterchicks Go Brit.
Currently located in Portland, Oregon, with her husband of 30 years, Robin is a mother of two grown children, a daughter and a son, and enjoys telling the world about God and traveling whenever she can.
Talking with Robin was a delight. I hope that you'll enjoy our "conversation" as much as I did.
Interview with Robin Jones Gunn
Denise: "Do you have your own "Sisterchicks?"
Robin: "Yes, I consider a friend, Donna, a Sisterchick. We met at church about 25 years ago when our kids were young. Her steady friendship is such as gift. She is a lifter and really values our friendship. Some friendships are just effortless."
Denise: "Can you tell me a little bit more about your Sisterchick series?"
Robin: "I wrote about Sisterchicks do the Hula because we lived in Hawaii at one point and I knew it well. Then my husband suggested to the publisher that they pay for me to travel to do the research for other books and they said yes. It's the ideal job to have. My publisher sends me to travel and write about it. It's rich and full. There wasn't a lot of Christian Chick literature at the time and we thought we could really launch this is in the Christian market."
Denise: "What made you write with a Christian flare?"
Robin: "It comes from my heart. It's at my core, the love of God. This is what I think everyday so it comes out in my characters. It's what I believe."
Denise: "Do you feel God has blessed you?"
Robin: "God has blessed me so abundantly, above and beyond anything I could expect. I've received his blessings at just the right time. I've received gifts of people, finances, and things. I've written in my journal all the wonderful things he has done for me - there's just so much. My life long desire is to travel. I love going and meeting interesting people and eating different food. For the Lord to give me this opportunity to travel around the world - that's extravagant blessings. I think 'What are you going to do next?'"
Denise: "Do you think your writing has blessed others?"
Robin: "I do. I receive so much mail, particularly from girls around the world. They've surrendered their lives to the Lord. They were making bad decisions before, but if they turn all their attention to God, there are unlimited opportunities out there.
Check out Robin Jones Gunn's website for more information on this inspiring author and for more details on her books by visiting The Robin Gunn website.
Book Drawing!
Enter to win Robin Gunn's latest book Sisterchicks Go Brit! Robin and her staff were kind enough to give me five copies of her newest book, complete with Sisterchick stickers and a highlighter marker. I'll give away one copy every two weeks until their gone to a random winner.
To participate in the first drawing, simply comment on any of my posts and I'll choose someone at random as the winner. The winner will be announced on Friday, August 1st.
The next drawing for a second copy of Robin's Sisterchicks Go Brit! will begin on Saturday, August 2nd.
Book Information
I've read many of the Robin's Sisterchicks books and I can tell you they are an enjoyable read. Sisterchicks Go Brit! is no exception. Here's more about what you'll enjoy if you win the book as taken from the book's back cover:
Two mid-life mamas hop over to jolly ole England and encounter so much more than the usual tourist stops. Liz does have a bit of a childhood crush on Big Ben, and she has hoped to “meet” him ever since her fifteenth birthday. Kellie dreams of starting an interior design business and figures Liz needs to be a part of that equation–a calculation that hasn’t added up for Liz yet.
Nothing on the excursion goes the way these two friends had envisioned. They start with a village pancake race and end up being held for questioning on The Underground. Kellie and Liz take a wild tour through the land of C. S. Lewis and J. R. R. Tolkien and then find themselves swept up, up, and away in a hot air balloon over the Cotswalds. London beckons with the Tower of London, Windsor Castle, shopping at Portabella Road in Knotting Hill, and of course, reservations at the Ritz for a posh high tea.
A few detours along the way and the possibility of being lost in a London fog of wonderment aren’t enough to stop these two Sisterchicks! Each step of their regal journey is lined with evidence of God’s gracious compassion, and both come to realize that God knows their every wish. He is the One who planted every dream in their hearts.
And, oh, what a surprise awaits them when they return home!
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Good luck!
Wishing you "Blessings from Above" and a copy of Robin's book Sisterchicks Go Brit! ;)