
Thursday, September 17, 2009

Don't Despise Your Small Beginnings

Good afternoon! Today I'd like to welcome special guest blogger, Marlo Wallace Boux, as she talks about her past and how far she's come. Thanks for sharing, Marlo!

Don’t Despise Your Small Beginnings - Part I by Marlo Wallace Boux

Growing up as a kid, in my teens, and into my early 20s I dealt with some pretty heavy things. I had done a lot of living and had gone through a lot of heartache. Some of my pain was self-inflicted while other experiences were not of my choosing. The result was years of struggling with depression, anxiety, anger, and self-loathing.

I had always been curious about God but frankly thought He must have forgotten about me.

When I was 24 I learned I was expecting my first child and I found myself alone. I ran into an old friend and she began taking me to church with her. This is how I came into a relationship with Jesus months before the birth of my firstborn. I finished my bachelor’s degree, got a job and took on life as a single mother.

Even though I was now a Christian, my personality was still a mess. I didn’t have much in the way of discipleship, guidance or accountability in my life so I bore the label but had no good fruit to show for it.

I ran into an acquaintance from years before. We began dating and attending church together. We eventually moved to a different city and got married. It was the year prior to our marriage that I started to get serious about my walk with God. I desired to live a better life and I was motivated to learn how.

Shortly after our wedding I began working with a mature Christian woman. She was the mentor I had so desperately needed. She modeled walking out the faith and helped me untangle the mess that was my personality.

In 2005, my husband and I had a baby girl. We felt I should stay home with the kids. I had always been entrepreneurial so I started blogging and working on some home business ideas. I poured my heart into learning about coaching women in business using biblical principals. I dove into marketing books, learned how to podcast, use professional audio editing software and more over the years.

The money never poured from my business efforts in the way I thought it should have. I really and truly felt God was giving me the passion to do this so I didn’t understand why after a few years it wasn’t replacing the income I had given up from a full time salaried job. We struggled financially sometimes but we kept pressing ahead.

Our obedience began to see fruit.....

Stop back tomorrow to read more about my small beginnings when I post Don't Despise Your Small Beginnings - Part II.

Co-Host of The GodTalk Radio Show on CJOB

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