Then in a blink of an eye, I was seeing things through my eyes again. I was back to being a
34-old, able-bodied person who was going to get up and leave this depressing place in a few minutes. I feel bad for my grandmother who is still there struggling to get better. Her incident is a wake-up call for me, though, and it should be for you too!
You know that phone call you've been meaning to make to a long lost friend? Make It Happen!
Or how about that hobby you've been longing to start? You know the one you are so good at you could turn it into a side business? Make It Happen!
When was the last one you told your spouse you loved them? Make It Happen!
What about that trip you've been meaning to take? Make It Happen! (ok, you might need to plan a bit, but you catch my drift!)
I am not kidding you when I tell you kids, that life is flying by. I was sitting as my craft table the other day and discovered scrap booking materials that I bought an expo LAST YEAR. I could have swore that I just bought them a few weeks ago when went to the expo again. How could a year have gone by already?
Not only does time go by quick, but you don't know what is going to happen along the way so if you have a fairly healthy body and mind, get to it. Don't wait until the right time comes along; the kids are out of the house; kids come along; you have extra money; you lose weight; you get another job, etc. You are wasting time. Just Make It Happen! (Just make sure it is a positive thing. Don't do anything illegal or immoral!)
Feeling inspired, but not sure what you want to do? Here are a few suggestions:
-Run a marathon.
-Take a walk in the beautiful weather.
-Admire a rainbow for as long as it lasts.
-Ride your bike.
-Read that book you've been interested in, but never have time for.
-Tell a family member you love them.
-Reconcile with an old friend or family member you haven't talked to in a while.
-Go back to school.
-Start a new hobby.
-Start your own business.
-Go on a trip.
-Do the small things you want to do and stop putting them off. Go to the movies, go down the shore, stop and get ice cream on the spur of the moment and just let the laundry go already.
-Adopt a pet.
-Start volunteer work.
-Go to church.
-Just make a friend's day.
On Labor Day, I am going to a local lake with my husband, which once again, we've been trying to get to all summer. And on one of my days off, I am also going to try to get to the shore (I may have to go by myself so I am not sure if this is going to happen, but I am going to try!)
On a more long term basis, I am going to Las Vegas for a blogging convention in September that I swore I wouldn't get to because it's almost on the other side of the country! Hoorray! I am so excited. I also plan on fighting my way through lack of blog design skills to create something that looks a little better and has advertising spots. I'd like to be able to raise extra money for myself and donate a portion of it to a Christian organization. Whew! I better get busy!
Please share with me the things you plan on doing while you still have the time to do them. And if you've already done them, let me know what you did and inspire the rest of us!
Let's keep after each other to do these things. You'll be happy you did later. I don't want anyone having any regrets about not doing what they wanted during their life.
Wishing you "Blessings from Above" and the wisdom to "Make It Happen,"